This past Christmas was a very frugal one for us. I wanted to give my inlaws something that they would enjoy, but kept coming up with very expensive gift ideas. I decided to look at Bubbly's Pinterest board for inspiration and found this:
Now inspired and excited, I ran to Hobby Lobby and got: a large framed picture on clearance, 2 yards of burlap, a large gold M, white spray paint, and extra hot glue.
Spray paint both the frame & letter.
I doubled up my burlap and just covered the backside of the picture itself. Glue burlap down on all sides to prevent sagging, fold and staple corners.
Insert burlap "picture" into frame.
Quickly glue the letter into place and apply pressure until completely dry. Distress frame and letter edges with fine grit sandpaper.
I was pretty pleased with the end result, but it just wasn't enough by itself. So, I made a wreath.
I bought another 2 yards of burlap, some wooden letters, and a can of red glitter spray paint.
I cut the burlap into 4 inch wide strips.
I had a sudden craving for toast and milk. It was de-lish!
Pre-folding burlap into stacks helps to make the threading onto the hanger faster.
At this point, the center of my burlap is threaded onto the hanger, but the hanger sagged under the weight and looked pathetic. I ran out, got a wreath form and wired the two together into a circle. I spray painted my letters glittery red, and wired them to the wreath after drying.
Now, I realize that this wreath is in support of Oklahoma football and how sacreligious it was to make in this Texas house, BUT-the things you do for those you love. I will repent and I beg for your forgiveness.
And since we just gave them their gift this week, even though it's been wrapped for a month:
Merry Christmas in January, Pop & Bubbly!