Well, my little sweet potato (that's what I like to call him) has been hanging out with me for 20 weeks now. What a massive landmark, I thought I'd never be here-we are so blessed!
We found out at 12 weeks that we would be having a son but, as we told our family his gender we received so many expressions of skepticism. Thank goodness our talented sonographer confirmed this week that there is indeed a little boy in there, I told y'all so!
At the ultrasound I was informed that I have a low-lying placenta. At this point in the pregnancy it is not a big deal, there is still time for it to shift. I am scheduled for another ultrasound in a month to recheck the placenta's position, plans will be made from there if it has not shifted. I pray that it moves because a c-section does not fit in with my plans of a natural & drug free delivery.
During week 18 while at work, I felt a tiny flutter. I spent far too long trying to determine wether it was gas or the baby for it to be a moment of surprise. After a few days the flutters became more obvious that they were indeed baby: slightly stronger & more frequent, by the time 19 weeks rolled around his Daddy was able to feel it too. It was incredibly emotional to watch my husband connect with his son for the first time, he sat motionless, his hands covering my belly, wearing an ear to ear grin on his face, & giving a chuckle each time he felt a wiggle. Once the baby settled back in, Chris shook my belly around to get a reaction, nothing happened- my boy must take after his mama's famous move of going limp if daddy tries to wrestle her.
I feel pretty good other than constant heartburn & headaches, the sensation of a rod shoved down my esophagus to diaphragm, & recently have had a lot of mild discomfort from stretching ligaments. I go to bed very early & lay down to rest on the weekends since this baby business is very tiring! I have developed eczema for the first time in my life due to the hormones, I have a frequent/desperate but small appetite, & as of two weeks ago I had only gained 3 pounds during the pregnancy- I'm sure it will catch up very soon. As an already emotional girl, pregnancy has exacerbated my emotions. Everything makes me cry: happy, sad, excited. Kidd Kraddick passed away, my brother-in-law
returned from Afghanistan, a commercial with a newborn: all provoked a sob fest.
returned from Afghanistan, a commercial with a newborn: all provoked a sob fest.
I have been purging the house of unnecessary clutter & forcing my husband to reorganize & wrap up long standing projects. I am looking for an inspiration piece for the nursery, throwing paint samples on the wall, & pinning away ideas for the nursery. A baby shower is in the works for the fall & I'm struggling to keep my hands out of the planning. His name has been chosen & several major decisions are being made, life in general is busier than ever before & couldn't be better. Here's to the next 20 weeks.
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