Sunday, May 25, 2014

These Boobies Save Lives

We have faced several challenges as new parents but one we have not had is any long term issues with my milk supply. I am passionate about breast feeding & have always had high hopes in successfully feeding my children in this manner. My goal is to provide Brit with breast milk until he's at least 9 months but preferably his entire first year. But since Brit started school he has become accustomed to the bottle & now prefers it to the breast, around that time we had a 100 minute messin' around breastfeeding session. He was just using that time for comfort & snuggling with his mama, which we both need but c'mon-mama ain't got time for that!
I hated making the decision but it was clear that pumping exclusively was the best choice for us at this time. I truly miss the bond that is created as you nurse your baby from your breast, it is totally different from bottle feeding, yet, we are so lucky to have the option & ability to continue providing breast milk. I pump every 4 hours & average about 8-10 ounces each session, except for my first pump of the day which is about 20 ounces. Brit typically eats a 6 ounce bottle every 3 hours & since I've been pumping from the start, I've built up a huge supply in the freezer.

Recently, I was made aware that there is a location in Fort Worth to donate breast milk for NICU babies in Texas & surrounding states called Mothers Milk Bank I was immediately drawn to make a donation since Brit himself received donor breastmilk after birth, while I was too sick to nurse him. I felt like it was a major contribution I could easily make to help save a few babies lives. I was able to donate 150 ounces, which didn't even make a dent in our supply at home. Unfortunately I am only a one time donor due to new medication I have been taking, I encourage any new mama to consider donating, it is so easy: fill out a few forms, have some quick labwork drawn, & drop off or ship your milk, wah-lah: lives saved & you are forever blessed by your contribution! If you are interested but don't live in this area, holler at me & I'd be glad to bring milk back with me after a visit home to see family & drop it off for you.
Our freezer is shoved full of frozen milk & is acting wonky so, we have huge new freezer being delivered this week. At the rate I'm pumping it's likely that I may only have to pump another month & a half until I have enough frozen to get Brit through the next 6 months!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Watch The Baby Grow: Months 1-5

During month one mama got the board done but never a picture of the baby with it, she was beyond tired & a photo was the last thing on her mind.

At 6 weeks I finally moved to the co-sleeper & didn't spend the night in my mama's arms, mom was happy about that!

During month three I smiled, became alot more interactive, & started sleeping thru the night.  

At 12 weeks I  spent my nights sleeping in the bassinet, stopped breastfeeding & only took my breastmilk from a bottle. I laughed alot, learned to stomp, & rolled from my tummy for the first time.

At 5 months I like everyone, I try to sit up, I'm a drooling fool, & observe everything intensly.