Friday, February 24, 2012


Oh my word. This month has been so overwhelming.
We sold our house after the first showing(hallelujaurrr)but, doing so required me to pack, move, & close in 3 weeks-it was crazy. We were walking out of the house as the new owner was walking in, there was not a moment to spare.
We have found a fantastic house in FtW, unfortunately it is in probate & will take awhile to close, so in the meantime I am staying with my parents, our stuff sits in THREE storage units, and having quit my job to pack-I don't have much to do. Finally. I can do things like: give the dogs haircuts, request medical records, paint Mom's bedroom furniture. The free time is great, but while we wait for our new house we are on a single income. My job in FtW is sitting, waiting, I'm nervous & edgy.
This week also marks two years since I miscarried & have battled infertility. Two years. I had suddenly realized that I am that girl, the one that can't have babies. Everybody knows one, it's me, 1 in 4. That shit is hard to swallow.